
Join Us

The REALTOR® System Structure

  1. You MUST be a member of The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR®). Please visit our Professional Standards page for more information on NAR®
  2. You MUST also be a member of at least one State association where you are licensed. Please visit our Professional Standards page for more information on the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR®).
  3. Select and join your local Board of Choice and MLS of Choice.
  4. The Pocono Mountains Association of REALTORS® (PMAR®) jurisdiction covers Monroe County, PA. PMAR® owns an independent MLS (Multiple Listing Services) system, which is not part of a larger system such as Bright or Trend. Once you become a REALTOR® Member, you can then subscribe to other MLS services. It is a smaller fee and you are not paying dues to any additional associations.

The REALTOR® Pledge

I pledge to protect the individual right of real estate ownership and to be honorable and honest in all dealings; to seek to better represent my clients and customers by building my knowledge and competence; to act fairly toward all in the spirit of the Golden Rule; to serve my community well, and through it, my country; and to observe the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS® and conform my conduct to its lofty ideals.